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时间:2022-05-15 16:10:07 浏览次数:


摘 要:作为晚清中国主流的文化观,“中体西用”论对“新政”改革影响深远,尤其在“学务”方面,经张之洞的提倡而成为“新教育”体系的首要办学原则。唯这一学理层面的思想言说,固然是张之洞“参酌中、东、西”的办学实务之主体,但不必是全部。以“实践中的主义”为视角,将张之洞戊戌变法以降的办学努力回置到他整个一生的办学履迹中,通过追溯“新教育”的“品行”课源流,梳理中小学堂经学教法方案的嬗替,关注张氏在“中体”、“西用”光环下低调而务实地“参酌中用”并探寻中西“通性”的办学努力,从细节入手,落实到具体人和事,应能增进对“中体西用”言说以及晚清“新教育”建制(尤其是西式学堂办法与“旧式书院”的实际关联)的全面理解,或也有助于我们稍更深入地认知张之洞这位晚清重臣办学理念的前后沿承与嬗替。

中图分类号:G40-055   文献标识码:A  文章编号:1001-2435 (2019) 05-0126-11

Key words:Chang Chihtung; Chinese Learning as the Essence and Western Learning for Its Utility;New Education in the Late Qing Dynasty;moral education curriculum;teaching method of Confucian class

Abstract:As a mainstream cultural viewpoint,“Chinese Learning as the Essence and Western Learning for Its Utility” had a farreaching impact on the “New Politics” reform in the late Qing Dynasty.Especially in the school affairs,it became the primary principle of the “New Education” institution because of Chang Chihtungs promotion.It was the dominant part in Chang Chihtungs educational practice,but not the whole.Through the perspective of “the idea in practice” and putting the Chang Chihtungs school running efforts since the Reform of 1898 into the whole track of running school for his lifetime,a thorough study on the origin of moral education curriculum,the evolution of teaching method of Confucian class in the primary and secondary schools and Chang Chihtungs running school practice of “deliberating Chinese utility” and exploring the “interlinked nature” between Chinese and West culture under the aura of “Chinese essence” and “Western utility”,will deepen our comprehensive understanding of “Chinese learning as the Essence and Western Learning for its Utility” and “the New Education” institution in the late Qing Dynasty,(especially the internal correlations between the westernstyle school and the Chinese academy).Meanwhile,it also will increase our knowledge on the inheritance and evolution of Chang Chihtungs educational ideas.


近代中国受“西潮”的严重冲击,中学在与西学的“学战”中惨败,如何迎纳西学并安顿中西学之间的关系,成为越来越多时人着力思考并试图解决的难题。“中学为体、西学为用”作为晚清中国主流的文化观,一直是学界持续关注的焦点。笔者管见所及专门以此为题的代表性论著有:陈旭麓《论“中体西用”》(《历史研究》1982年第5期)、丁伟志《“中体西用”论在洋务运动时期的形成与发展》(《中国社会科学》1994年第1期)、丁伟志《“中体西用”论在戊戌维新时期的嬗变》(《历史研究》1994年第1期)、戚其章《从“中本西末”到“中体西用”》(《中国社会科学》1995年第1期限)、谢放《中体西用:转型社会的文化模式》(《华中师范大学学报》)1996年第3期)、罗志田《昨天的与世界的:从文化到人物》(北京大学出版社2007年版,第251259页)。此外美国学者(Joseph R.Levenson)对“中体西用”也有较深入的析论,详列文森《儒教中国及其现代命运》(郑大华,任菁译,中国社会科学出版社2000年版,第一卷第二部分)。一般认为“中体西用”论自兴起之初(大致在洋务运动时期)即重在引进“西用”。大约自甲午战败后,“西用”的地位明显攀升。至戊戌变法期间,张之洞在《劝学篇》中明确提出“旧学为体,新学为用,不使偏废”。[1]176由此中、西学由最初的主辅(本末)关系转变为并行不悖的取向。

推荐访问: 参酌 中用 办学 实务 中体