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时间:2022-04-08 08:19:58 浏览次数:

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Advancement of colloidal gold chromatographic technique

in screening of ochratoxin A

ZHOU Wei-lu1,2, WANG Yu-ting1,2, KONG Wei-jun2, YANG Mei-hua2*, ZHAO Ming1, OU-YANG Zhen1

(1.School of Pharmacy, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China;

2. Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union

Medical College, Beijing 100193, China)

[Abstract] Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a toxic secondary metabolite mainly produced by Aspergillus and Penicillium species, existing in a variety of foodstuffs and Chinese medicines. OTA is difficult to be detected in practice because of the characteristics such as trace amounts, toxicity, existing in complex matrices. In the numerous detection technologies, colloidal gold chromatographic techniques are highly sensitive, specific, cost-effective and user-friendly, and are being used increasingly for OTA screening. Recently, with the development of aptamer technology and its application in chromatographic technique, a newly colloidal gold aptamer chromatographic technique has been developed. This review elaborates the structures and principles of both traditional and newly colloidal gold chromatographic techniques, focuses on newly colloidal gold aptamer chromatographic technique, summarizes and compares their use in rapid detection of OTA. Finally, in order to provide a reference for better research of related work, the development trends of this novel technique are prospected.

[Key words] ochratoxin A; colloidal gold; aptamer; chromatographic technique; the advance


赭曲霉毒素(ochratoxin, OT)是一类主要由赭曲霉Aspergillus ochraceus、黑曲霉Aapergillus niger及青霉菌Penicillium sp.的某些菌株产生的真菌毒素,是目前受到普遍关注的五大类霉菌毒素之一[1]。赭曲霉毒素有A,B,C,D 等7种结构类似物,其中赭曲霉毒素A(ochratoxin, OTA)分布最广泛、毒性最强,对人类威胁最大。目前世界各国都非常重视对OTA的检测和控制,制定了相关的限量标准,以期能够确保食品安全和保障人类的健康[2]。随着免疫学、物理化学、生物学及仪器工程等多学科理论与技术的发展和交叉研究,OTA 的检测方法正在不断发展,如高效液相色谱法(HPLC)[3]、液质联用法(LC-MS/MS)[3]、酶联免疫技术(ELISA)[5]和胶体金免疫色谱技术(GICA)等。HPLC和LC-MS要求对样品进行较繁琐前处理,需昂贵仪器并耗费大量人力,因此无法进行大范围推广;ELISA具有操作相对简单、灵敏度高等优点,但也存在检测结果重复性差、酶稳定性差、试剂寿命短和假阳性等缺陷。相比之下,GICA具有简单快速、适合现场检测等优点。近年来,随着适配子技术的发展及其在胶体金色谱技术中的应用,更是促进了胶体金色谱技术的进步。本文综述了胶体金色谱技术在OTA检测中的应用,并对比了新型胶体金适配子色谱技术与传统胶体金免疫色谱技术,以期更好地为研究新型胶体金色谱技术做铺垫。

推荐访问: 曲霉 胶体 研究进展 毒素 金色