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时间:2022-04-02 08:39:43 浏览次数:


摘 要:对桩心配筋桩、钢管+桩心配筋桩和钢管+H型钢桩共27根试件进行极限抗弯承载力试验,发现桩心配筋桩极限抗弯承载力较低且为脆性破坏,钢管+桩心配筋桩和钢管+H型钢桩表现出较高的极限抗弯承载力和延性性能。对桩心配筋桩、钢管+桩心配筋桩和钢管+H型钢桩荷载位移曲线进行分析,将桩心配筋桩受荷分为试件咬合阶段、弹性阶段、弹塑性阶段和破坏阶段,将钢管+桩心配筋桩和钢管+H型钢桩分为试件咬合阶段、弹性阶段、弹塑性阶段和强化阶段。钢管+桩心配筋桩极限抗弯承载力计算可用钢管混凝土桩极限抗弯承载力乘以1.2的提高系数计算。


中图分类号:TU758.11   文献标志码:A   文章编号:2096-6717(2019)05-0059-08

Abstract:The ultimate flexural bearing capacity test was carried out through a total of 27 root specimen of the heart reinforcement pile, the steel pipe + heart reinforcement pile, the steel pipe + H section steel pile. It wasfound that the heart reinforcement pile ultimate flexural bearing capacity is low and that the failure was of brittle type, while the steel pipe + heart reinforcement pile and the steel pipe + H section steel pile show a higher bearing capacity and was of better ductility performance. Through the load-displacement curve, the heart reinforcement ile under loading is divided into specimen bite stage, elastic stage, elastic-plastic stage and failure stage, while the steel pipe + heart reinforcement pile and the steel pipe + H section steel pile can be divided into specimen bite stage, elastic stage, elastic-plastic stage and strengthening stage. The ultimate flexural bearing capacity for steel pipe + heart reinforcement pile can be regarded as that of steel pipe concrete pile multiplied by an increase coefficient of 1.2.

Keywords:heart of pile reinforcement of pile; steel pipe + heart reinforcement pile; steel pipe + H section steel pile; ultimate flexural bearing capacity; load-displacement curve  微型桩作为一种直径小于300 mm的钻孔灌注桩,桩体主要采用钢管、钢筋或型钢等材料,钻孔成型后以压浆方式充填细石混凝土或水泥砂浆[1]。近年来在滑坡防治工程中,特别是滑坡应急抢险中,微型桩以其非开挖施工、对滑体扰动小、桩位布置灵活、施工振动小、对土层适应性强、加固见效快等特点,备受工程师们青睐[2-4]。在滑体推力作用下,微型桩加固坡体主要依靠微型桩所提供的极限抗滑力,由两部分组成,一是桩体发生弯曲变形来阻止滑体变形的抗弯能力,二是阻止滑体沿滑面滑动的抗剪能力。现有研究表明,微型桩的破坏模式正是滑面附近的弯曲与剪切相结合的破坏[5-7]。目前,微型单桩设计方法主要是悬臂桩法,微型群桩设计方法主要有“P-Y”曲线法、平面刚架法等多种,由于微型桩在实际工程应用中组合形式多样,加上复杂的桩土相互作用,至今设计、施工仍未规范化[8-10]。微型桩作为一种细长桩体,抗剪能力往往优于抗弯能力,对于滑坡的滑坡体较厚者,滑体推力作用力臂较大,力矩也较大,往往较易达到微型桩的极限抗弯承载力[11-13]。与此同时,微型桩直径较小,刚度也较小,滑面处微小弯曲变形也可能导致桩顶发生较大的位移,从而影响支挡结构的使用功能[14-16]。因此,较为准确地确定微型桩的极限抗弯承载力变得尤为重要。


1 试验模型设计

1.1 试验流程



推荐访问: 承载力 试验 极限 研究 抗滑桩