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上海翻译Shanghai Journal of Translators 2013No.2







译者为了保持主题的连贯、上下文的连贯以及译文行文流畅,可以对原文进行适度的添加或删减。[关键词]墨子;英译比读;墨子复译;读者需求;翻译策略[中图分类号]315.9[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1672-9358(2013)02-0057-050



共七十一篇,但六朝以后有所流失,现存的《墨子》只有五十三篇。现已出版的《墨子》海外英译本有两种:一是梅译本,二是Burton Watson 的译本。梅译本的英文全称是:The Ethical and Political Works of Motse ,

译者梅贻宝(Y.P.Mei )。该书于1929年由伦敦普氏书店出版。梅贻宝是将《墨子》译成英语并在西方出版发行的第一人。他的译文紧扣原文,译笔流畅,达到了很高的水平。美中不足是,梅先生的译本并非《墨子》的全译本,因为他只译了其中的三十六篇

。《墨子》的另一个英译本也非全译本。译者华兹生(Burton Watson )为哥伦比亚大学教授,专门从事中国古典哲学和文学的翻译与研究。他选译了现存《墨子》五十三章中的十四章,

取名为《墨子选译》(Basic Writings of Mo Tzu ),于1963年由美国哥伦比亚大学出版社出版。西方评论界认为他的译文“不但忠实于原文,而且具有很高的可读性和欣赏价值

。”(“Watson ’s renderings almost invariably seem as faith-ful as humanly possible to the letter and spirit of his Chinese texts ,and not just readable ,but viscerally enjoyable in his Eng-lish translations.”—Choice )本文分两部分:首先通过对现有墨子英译本的比读分析,



首先,我们利用计算机统计了梅译本和华译本字数上的差别。Burton Watson 所译《墨子》十四章字数为34,824,梅







[贤尚(上)]华译:Master Mo Tzu said :These days the rulers and high officials who govern the nation all desire their states to be rich ,their population numerous ,and their administration well or-dered.And yet what they achieve is not wealth but poverty ,not a numerous population but a meager one ,not order but chaos.In actual fact ,they fail to get what they seek and instead achieve what they abhor.Why is this ?

梅译:Mozi said :Now ,all the rulers desire their provinces to be wealthy ,their people to be numerous ,and their jurisdic-tion to secure order.But what they obtain is not wealth but pov-erty ,not multitude but scarcity ,not order but chaos —this is to lose what they desire and obtain what they avert.Why is this ?





大人为政于国家者,皆欲……”译为These days the rulers and high officials who govern the nation all desire……),也有添加成分,如添加关联词In actual fact,使上下文读起来更为连贯)。梅译则体现简洁、典雅,较为注重逐字翻译,在结构上追求简洁,因而对原文有所省略,译为Now,all the rulers de-sire……)。梅译与华译的差异告诉我们,在从事典籍英译时,不同的译者可以采用不同的翻译策略,产生出不同文体风格的译文。这种对同一文本可以产生不同风格译本的倡导最早可以追溯到圣奥古斯丁(St.Augustine,354-430)和圣杰罗姆St.Jerome,347-420)。奥氏认为,将《圣经》原文的希伯莱语译成拉丁文,应该允许有三种风格,即朴素、典雅、庄严。不过他同时指出这三种风格的选用应取决于读者的要求。①(转引自张达聪,1979:17)显然,华译和梅译在制定其翻译策略时,各自心中的读者是各不相同的。由此看来,在从事典籍英译时,根据读者的需求确定译文的文体风格应该成为我们必须遵守的一条重要原则。


华译:Let us suppose there is a rich man who has built a high wall all around his house.When the wall is finished and plastered with mud,he pierces it with only one gate.Then,if a thief steals in,he may shut the gate by which the thief entered and set about searching for him,confident that the thief has no means of escape.Why?Because the rich man,like the ruler,has control of the vital point.

梅译:Take,for example,the rich man who built his walls high and left only one gate.When the burglar had entered,the man closed the gate and searched for him,and the burglar had no more exit.Why?Because the man had the vantage-point.如果说在例一中,华译为追求明白畅晓,译文的添加成分可圈可点,例二中的添加就有些勉强。梅译只用了三行就讲清楚了的东西,华译却用了整整六行字。比如:“墙立既”三个字,华译为When the wall is finished and plastered with mud,如回译则成了“当垒好墙并涂之以灰泥以后”。“有盗人入,阖其自入而求之,盗其无自出。”华译为:Then,if a thief steals in,he may shut the gate by which the thief entered and set about searching for him,confident that the thief has no means of escape.除了用if-clause作从句,主句中又套了一个从句by which,句末还用了一个分词短语,显得复杂、冗长。比较梅译When the burglar……had no more exit.显然其译文既简洁典雅又明白通畅。这个译例告诉我们,“明白、通畅、简洁”应该成为翻译《墨子》这一类的古籍作品所应遵循的基本原则②。

③子墨子言曰:“今王公大人之君人民、主社稷、治国家,欲修保而勿失,故不察尚贤为政之本也。”[贤尚(中)]华译:Mo Tzu said:In caring for the people,presiding over the altars of the soil and grain,and ordering the state,the rulers and high officials these days strive for stability and seek to avoid any error.But why do they fail to perceive that honoring the wor-thy is the foundation of government?

梅译:Mozi said:Now,in caring for the people,ruling the state,and governing the country,the rulers desire permanency and stability.But why do they not learn that exaltation of the vir-tuous is the foundation of government?

此例华译用直译法译“主社稷”(presiding over the altars of the soil and grain),梅译则用的是意译法(and governing the country)。前面提到,华译本的特点是不加注释。我们认为,用直译法译“主社稷”而又不加注释很难让译文的读者(特别是对中国文化知之甚少的外国读者)明白其含义。需要指出的是,文化信息的传达与转换是典籍翻译很重要的一门课题。典籍翻译实际上是一种文化交流,为了追求文化交际的效果,从事典籍翻译时,不能片面追求原文和译文表层意义的对等,而应努力体现原文的深层意义。


华译:……and the nine cauldrons moved about.Phantom women came out after dark and ghosts wailed at night.A woman turned into a man,flesh rained down from Heaven,and brambles grew on the state roads.And yet the king continued to behave in an even more willful and abandoned way.A red bird holding in its beak a baton of jade alighted at the altar of the Chou state in the city of Chi and proclaimed:“Heaven orders King Wen of Chou to attack Yin[i.e.,Shang]and take possession of its state.”Tai-tien journeyed to pay his respects to the Chou ruler,the river cast up its chart,and the land brought forth the“riding-yellow”beast.King Wu ascended the throne,and in a dream he saw three spirits who said to him:"We have already drowned Chou of Shang in the power of wine.Go and attack him,and we will surely cause you to win victory over him!"So King Wu went and attacked him,and replaced the state of Shang with that of Chou,and Heaven presented King Wu with the yellow bird pennant.

梅译:……The nine caldrons moved from their place.Wit-ches appeared in the dark and ghosts sighed at night.Some women turned into men.Flesh came down from Heaven like rain.Thorny brambles covered up the national highways.Yet the king became even more dissolute.A red bird holding a gui by its beak alighted on Mt.Qi(9),proclaiming:“Heaven de-crees King Wen of Zhou to punish Yin(10)and possess its em-pire.”Tai Dian then came to be minister to(King Wen).The




charts emerged out of the River and chenghuang(11)appeared on land.Thereupon King Wu ascended the throne.Three gods spoke to him in a dream,saying:“Now that we have submerged Zhou of Yin in wine,you go and attack him.We will surely let you destroy him.”So,King Wu set out and attacked Zhou,and replaced Shang with Zhou.Heaven gave King Wu the Yellow Bird Pennant.


(9)Mount Qi is the geographical location of the state of Zhou before it overthrows Shang to become the succeeding dy-nasty in the Chinese Empire.

(10)Yin is the changed name of the Dynasty of Shang.To be pedantically precise,Yin is the actual name of the dynasty,and Shang the name of its last capital city,often used for the dy-nasty as a whole.

(11)Chenghuang is described as an animal of the family of the fox.Only,it has two horns on the back.This animal,if it ever existed,is now extinct.]


……Ten suns appeared at night and it rained earth in Bao-di.The nine caldrons,which were the national treasure,moved from their original place.Witches haunted after it got dark.Ghosts wailed at night.Women turned into men.Flesh rained down from Heaven.The roads of the state were covered with brambles.King Zhou was all the more indulged in the fast life.One day,a red bird landed at the altar on Mount Qi of Zhou,holding in its beak a piece of jade on which the following words were found:“Heaven orders King Wen of Zhou to overthrow the Shang Dynasty and take over all its territory.”Taidian,a virtu-ous minister,submitted to the authority of King Wen.The mys-terious chart emerged out of the Yellow River and Chenghuang,the magical horse,jumped from the underground.When King Wu ascended the throne,he dreamt of three spirits saying to him:“We have made King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty wallow in wine and sexual pleasures.Go and wipe out him.We will en-sure your victory.”So King Wu attacked the mad king and re-placed the Shang Dynasty with the Zhou Dynasty.And for this Heaven bestowed the royal flag on him.

我们的译文虽然偏长,但对“九鼎”有了解释,读者可知其为当时的国宝(national treasure)。“赤鸟衔(王+圭)”被译为a red bird landed at the altar on Mount Qi of Zhou,holding in its beak a piece of jade,而没有采用梅译的做法,将“王+圭”译为gui。“泰颠”和“绿图”分别被处理为;Taidian,a virtuous minister和the mysterious chart。“乘黄”也有了解释:Chenghuang,the magical horse。“河出绿图,地出乘黄”的译文是the mysterious chart emerged out of the Yellow River and Cheng Huang,the magical horse,jumped from the under-ground.与华译和梅译相比,我们所提供的信息更为具体、翔实。比如,我们将“黄鸟之旗”译为the royal flag,而没采用梅译和华译的做法,为追求表层意义的对等,将其译为the Yellow Bird Pennant。



华译:Yet these rulers who delight in offensive warfare at-tempt once more to put a pleasing facade upon their doctrines,saying,“It is not that we have any lack of gold and jewels,courtiers and waiting women,or land.It is only that we wish to establish a reputation for righteousness in the world and attract the other rulers to our virtue!”

梅译:The warring lords would again gloss over(their con-duct)with arguments,saying:“(I wage war)not because I am still discontented with my gold and jade,my children and my land.I want to have my name as a righteous ruler established in the world and draw the other feudal lords to me with my virtue.”

此例说明,由于对原文的理解不同和翻译目的不同,我们应该允许对同一原文使用不同的翻译方法。为了追求译文的明晰,华兹生把笼统的词语“子女”译为具体的词语courtiers and waiting women,这种译法被称为将原文具体化






华译:Now man is basically different from the beasts,birds,and insects.

梅译:Also,man is different from birds and beasts and in-sects.

通过比读,我们发现,梅译和华译没有把“麋鹿”翻译成英文。我们认为,他们的处理是可取的。麋鹿属于禽兽一类,既然已提到兽类,就无必要再加上“麋鹿”(除非是要强调这种动物)。当然,梅译的排序(鸟\兽\虫)宜调整为兽\鸟\虫或虫\鸟\兽为好。这个译例也提醒我们,在从事典籍翻译时,译者为了保持主题的连贯,上下文的连贯以及译文行文流畅,可以对原文进行适度的添加或删减。比如,刘宓庆先生就曾以西晋文学家陆机的《文赋》为例,提出不能盲从圣贤无谬论,而应“参照‘接收者反馈’加以调整,采取一种能动、积极、进取的文本处理手法和文本观。”(刘宓庆,2003:59-62)刘先生对此的解释是,古代印刷水平很有限,古籍又历经浩劫,销匿蚕食代代有之,传抄错简是常有之事。我们在阅读翻译《墨子》时也发现类似现象。比如,非攻(中)的第一句话,子墨子言曰:“古者王公大人为政于国家者,情欲誉之审,赏罚之当,刑政之不过失……。”中的“古者王公大人”的“古者”应理解为“今者”。天志(中)例的一句话:“不辜者谁也?”在“辜”字前,应加上“杀”字,译为:“Who is it that kills the innocent person?”“谁杀了无辜者?”(华译)而不是:“Who is the innocent?”“无辜者是谁?”(梅译)通过以上比读,我们发现梅贻宝先生和Burton Watson 的译文都十分精彩。但由于各自翻译目的的不同,自然在翻译策略和手法上大相庭陉,华译较多采用解释性翻译,因而添加成分较多,译文明晰流畅,用词较为灵活朴实,较少使用文雅大词;梅译多采用直译法,讲究再现原文风格,用词典雅,句子结构较为严谨,疑难之处配有详细的注释。由此看来,梅译和华译分别采用的是两种不同的翻译方法:梅译是学术性翻译,服务对象为少数研究汉学的学者,因此用词较为高雅庄重,译文结构与原文结构较为贴近。在翻译原文时常常需要旁征博引,解释典故,考释出处。这种翻译突出的是译文的叙述价值和文化价值。华译是普及性翻译,面向普通读者,注重文笔的生动传神,注重可读性,大众化,不拘泥于原著的一字一句。译者可增加在他看来读者需要了解的东西,也可删去他认为读者不需要了解的内容。


尽管《墨子》一书已经有两个不错的英译本,我们认为仍有必要对墨子进行复译。具体理由如下:首先,现有的英译本都不是全译本,这不能不说是一个遗憾。尽早让国内外英语读者读到墨子的英译全译本,让被称为“绝学”的墨学全貌被更多的人认识是一项义不容辞的光荣任务。其次,现有的这两个译本分别出版于1929年和1963年,距今已相隔少则四十年,多则近八十年,无论是在语言转换、内容表达方面都有必要重新规范。而在这几十年中,我国学术界对《墨子》一书内容的考证和研究取得了长足的进步,因此有必要利用这些最新的研究成果重译《墨子》,使其以全新的面貌呈现在新世纪读者面前。比如,当年梅先生对“是故君子力事日强,愿欲日逾,设壮日盛。”[修身]的译文为:Therefore the superior men are daily more energetic in performing their du-ty,but weaker in their desires,and more stately in their appear-ance.梅先生参考的版本是晚清学者孙诒让校勘的《墨子闲诂》,而根据2000年出版的《墨子直解》的解释,“愿欲日逾”应为“愿欲远大”之意,因此我们的译文是:Therefore,the gentleman will gain more strength,cherish greater expecta-tions and display better conduct with each passing day.再如:梅译本和华译本对“今夫师者之相为不利者也,曰:‘偏具此物,而致从事焉,则是国家失卒,而百姓易务也。’[非攻(下)]中的“国家失卒”分别为lose its fighting men(华译)和lose its men(梅译),而当今的译本对“国家失卒”的解释都为“国家失去法度”(孙以楷,等,2000:69;吴龙辉,等,1992:102)。因此我们的译文也就采纳了最新的研究成果,译为:If all the unfavorable conditions exist,the war is still launched by all means,then the state will fall into disorder and the common people will be forced to abandon their occupations.有必要指出,对古代典籍作品某些内容及某些古代词语的理解不能搞一刀切。翻译时需采取一种能动、积极、进取和开放的文本处理手法和文本观。允许有不同的理解,允许一定范围的歧义。有鉴于此,针对各种不同的解释和翻译,我们也可以站在自己的角度提出不同于他人的见解和看法,使对《墨子》文本的研究走向多元化。比如,对[非攻(下)]中的一段话:“今王公大人、天下之诸侯则不然。将必皆差论其爪牙之士,皆列其舟车之卒伍,于此为坚甲利兵,以往攻伐无罪之国。”中的“差论”二字,不但梅先生和Burton Watson的译文各不相同,当今出版的《墨子》白话本的解释也不相同。华译为:to examine the relative merits of their sol-diers,who are their teeth and claws;梅译为:rank their warri-ors;巴蜀书社《墨子全译》68页:他们必定都分别挑选自己的精兵猛将……;中国书店《墨子白话今译》101-102页:他们必定要致使他们的谋臣战将……。我们根据自己的理解,觉得将“差论”译为dispatch更为妥当。我们的译文是:They will dispatch their best soldiers,arrange their boat and chariot forces,and equip them with strong armor and sharp weapons to cross the border to attack those innocent countries.之所以这样译,主要是考虑了上下文之间语义上的衔接。





于镳宫:‘用受夏之大命。夏德大乱,予既卒其命于天矣,往而诛之,必使汝堪之。’”这句话中的黑体部分无论是梅译本还是华译本均没有译出来。又如:[兼爱(中)]有这样一句话:“昔者晋文公好士之恶衣。昔越王句践好士之勇。”梅先生的译文是:Formerly,Lord Wen of the state of Jin(about 630B.C.)liked the uncouth uniform of the soldier.Lord Gou-jian of the state of Yue(about480B.C.)liked the warrior’s courage,and trained his subjects accordingly.显然,梅译过分拘泥于中英文表层结构的对等,这种译法虽能被读者理解,但读起来不自然,有违英文的行文习惯。为此,我们将其译为:In the past,Lord Wen of the state of Jin(about630B.C.)preferred gentlemen to wear coarse clothes.And Goujian,the king of Wu(about480B.C.)liked warriors to be brave.我们认为,这样的改动更为符合“明白、通畅、简洁”的原则。

有必要指出,作为古代典籍作品《墨子》的首位英译者,梅先生进行的是一项披荆斩棘的开创性事业。Burton Wat-son则是把墨子精华部分译为英文的第一个外国人。他们的译作总体上是成功的,也基本达到了各自的翻译目的。对他们的译本中偶有的误译和漏译部分加以修正,丝毫不影响我们对他们的高度评价。他们所从事的翻译为我们正在进行的墨子全译奠定了坚实的基础。国外翻译论坛上出现的一系列新思潮,如I.E.佐哈尔的“多元系统理论”(poly-system-ic theory,1997)、G.图里的“描写翻译理论”(descriptive translation study,1995)和J.弗米尔的“目的论理论”(Skopos Theory,2000)也为我们采用新的思路来重新翻译墨子和评价墨子翻译提供了新的理论支持。对于我们翻译墨子全书③的心得体会,我们将另文叙述。

















[12]Kraszewski C S.Four Translation Strategies Determined by the Particular Needs of the Receptor:Translation The-

ory Backwards[M].New York:The Edwin Mellen


[13]Mei Y P.(tr.)The Ethical and Political Works of Motse [M].London:Probsthain,1929.

[14]Newmark P.Approaches to Translation[M].Oxford:Pergamon Press Ltd.,1982.

[15]Toury G.Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond[M].Amsterdam&Philadelphia:John Benjamins.1995.[16]Vermeer H J.Skopos and Commission in Translational Ac-tion[A].Lawrence Venuti(ed.)The Translation Studies

Reader[C].London&New York:Routledge,2000.[17]Watson B.(tr.)Basic Writings of Mo Tzu[M].New York:Columbia University Press,1963.

[18]Zohar I E.Polysystem Theory(revised version)[M].1997.Web:http://www.tau.ac.il/ itamarez.

A Comparative Study of the Translation of Mozi

[Abstract]Centering upon the purpose of translation,readers’requests and the text type,the present paper makes a comparative study of the two English versions of Mozi and explains why it needs to be retranslated.The author argues that1.clarity,smoothness and conciseness should be taken as the basic principle for translating the Chinese classics such as Mozi;2.the reader-oriented approach should be taken in deciding on the style and the method of translation;3.for the sake of thematic coherence and contextual coherence,the translator is entitled to make necessary modifications in the process of translation.

[Key words]Mozi;comparative study;retranslation of Mozi;readers’requests;translation strategy




推荐访问: 王宏宏正设计院 墨子 英译 王宏